Most Favorited actors and actresses?
Welcome back to The Big Screen Focus. This week, we are talking about favorites again! But instead of shows, it's everyone's favorite actors/actresses. I asked a few individuals who their favorites are and why. The most popular gets a spotlight in next week's post! Here is what they had to say...
Favorite Actors...
1) Adam Sandler

2) Brad Pitt

3) Lindsay Lohan

4) Xolo MaridueƱa
5) Jennifer Lawerence

6) Paul Wesley

7) Emma Roberts

8) Emma Watson

Summary: According to the individuals asked, Adam sandler was the most voted for favorite actor. He received 3 votes for most favorite. upon asked, they stated they liked him
due to his humour and his movies. Upon the other actors and actresses, they were mostly chosen as favorites due to attraction as well as most watched and shows and movies they are popular in. This ties back to a previous blog post where most individuals favorite genre is comedy.
But, what are some of America's favorite, most popular actors/actresses?
Thank you for reading The Big Screen Focus blog. Comment below post requests. Until next week!
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